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Auf dieser Website
Auswahl von internationalen Quellen der marxistischen und politischen Philosophie.
Verwandte Themen
Philosophisch-politische Vereinigungen, Institute und Projekte: Vereinigungen und Institute. Einschlägige internationale Pubikationen: Marxismus international. Publikationen im Kontext der praxisphilosophischen Initiative: Publikationen und Downloads.

     Das Konzept PRAXIS im 21. Jahrhundert
     Konstitutionstheorie der Praxis / Die Übergangsepoche / Die latente Systemalternative
Webseite zur Publikation Das Konzept PRAXIS
(670 S.)
     Lesezeichen zu den Sachgebieten
The concept of PRAXIS Content and Preface

The concept of PRAXIS Summary and Outlook

internationale marxistische und politische philosophie

Internationale Vereinigungen, Institute und Publikationen

World Marxist Review (WMR)
2024 new-founded quarterly, open access title. Aims to solve major theoretical and countermeasure problems in the fields of global economy, people’s livelihood, politics, culture, civilization, ecology, military, international relations, and social movements. Promoting the consistency and innovation of Marxist theories around the world.

The World Review of Political Economy (WRPE)
Official journal of the World Association for Political Economy. A Marxist political economy periodical to act as an essential forum for dialogue, cooperation, debate and research.

Beijing Rundschau
Mehrsprachige Wochenzeitschrift. Nachrichten über China, Regierungsdokumente, politisch-theoretisches Organ der chinesischen Regierung

International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory. The journal aims to help expand the global possibilities for radical politics and social criticism in the coming period.

Centre for Marxist Social Studies
CMS Stockholm, independent foundation started in 1977, to promote left discussion, support research and studies
of society's development and future tendencies

Fernand Braudel Center
FBC New York
Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilisations,founded in September 1976 to engage in the analysis of large-scale social change over long periods of historical time

Focus on the Global South
Focus works on Political economy of development, Power and Democracy and Peoples’ Alternatives

Global Dialogue
Digital Magazine of the International Sociological Association
A sociological lens on current world events and forum for conducting debates and interviews

Historical Materialism
Interdisciplinary journal. Dedicated to exploring and developing the critical and expanatory potential of Marxist theory.

International Critical Thought
Official publication of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
Critical thought research and open access publishing on social, political, cultural and economic transformation https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rict20/current

International Internet Institute
Socialism of 21 st century
Moscow State University

International Marxist-Humanist-Organization
Authors, Philosophy and Theory, People, Focal Points, World Regions

il manifesto
Kritische linke italienische Tageszeitung, gegr. 1969.

Le Monde diplomatique
English edition

Each spring organizing Left Forum, the largest gathering in North America of the US and international Left.

La Rivista del manifesto
Monatszeitschrift, Dokumentation von Beiträgen der politisch-theoretischen Debatte der Linken in Italien http://www.larivistadelmanifesto.it

Monthly Review
Theoretisches Organ der sozialistischen Linken in den USA

Marx & Philosophy Society
The Marx and Philosophy Society aims to encourage scholarly engagement with, and creative development of, the philosophical and foundational aspects of Marx's work. The society welcomes contributions from any philosophical or political position

Marxist-Humanist Dialectics
Website founded 2010 with theoretical dialogue on Hegelian-Marxism, Critical Theory, Marxist-Humanism

New Left Review
Monatszeitschrift der sozialistischen Linken in Großbritannien

Rethinking Marxism
Peer-reviewed journal of Economics, Culture & Society, produced by the Association for Economic and Social Analysis (AESA) and published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis, facing Marxism and the global Left.

Science & Society
Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal of Marxist thought and analysis, in any language, in the world. The longest continuously published Marxist scholarly journal. Special issues (En)visioning Socialism (I-IV). 

Socialism and Democracy
Showing the continuing relevance of socialist politics and vision. Articles, Discussions, Links