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Welcome to visitors. Invitation and introduction to the website of the Initiative for the philosophy of praxis and a concrete social science, in short form PRAXIS-Initiative.
Related Pages:
The author's personal page: Autor der Website. Listing of his publications: Publikationen und Downloads. Basic and important literature: Philosophie der Praxis. Selected theoretical ressources in English: Marxismus International. New and international contibutions to a philosophy of praxis: Neues Forum Praxisphilosophie.
     Das Konzept PRAXIS im 21. Jahrhundert
     Konstitutionstheorie der Praxis / Die Übergangsepoche / Die latente Systemalternative

Book Announcement   Download PDF (670 S.)
Content and Preface  (8-12)
Summary and Outlook  (589-613)

 +  Interview: We have to cook a new soup  [2008]
 +  Marxism, Philosophy of Praxis and the Concept of Praxis  [2021]

New Entries  

Müller, Horst (2023): The core concept of the philosophy of praxis today. Review of: Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik, Solidarische Praxis in Allianz mit der Natur. Marx dialektische Praxisphilosophie für das 21. Jahrhundert, Westfälisches Dampfboot, Münster 2022. In: International Review of Social History, July 2023.

Müller, Horst (2023): The concept of a transformative social-state-economy. Summary Als IPkW-Onlinetext (3 S.)

short invitation

All for what?

This page means to open the door and stimulate your interest about the Initiative für Praxisphilosophie und konkrete Wissenschaft (IPkW). It is the main german website for the so called Philosophy of Practice, Practice Philosophy or Philosophy of Praxis, which roots in Karl Marx. Further on the project is to transcend all this in the sense of the 'concept of praxis', in German 'Praxiskonzept'.

The concept of praxis in this full sense has its offspring in the theory of Karl Marx. It includes not only the whole of social sciences, especially all themes of political economy and world history, but also philosophical reflections about nature and ecology. Also of main importance in the context of this website is the research concerning an alternative economic system, here called 'social economy as system alternative' or, in the final analysis, 'welfare state economy'.


All social life is essentially practical. All mysteries which lead theory to mysticism find their rational solution in human practice and in the comprehension of this practice.

Karl Marx: The 8th these on Feuerbach. In: MEW 3: page 7. Onlinetext at marxists.org

Marxist philosophy is different for it is a world theory. Though Germany is the hometown of Marx, Marxist philosophy is a 'world philosophy' instead of being exclusive to Germany. Marx had ever foreseen that such an era would come inevitebly: "philosophy then ceases to be a particular system in relation to the world; it becomes philosophy in general in relation to the world, i.e. the philosophy of the contemporary world." Marxist philosophy itself is such a world philosophy, the product of world history.

Yang Geng: Defense for Marx. A new interpretation of Marxist Philosophy. Canut International Publishers, 2010, S. 39. Extract as Onlinetext by Amazon. Announcement at Leftreader as IPkW-Onlinetext.  

The unifying perspective for social forces lies in a welfare state economy and associative sociality freed from the pressure of growth. The political character of this emancipation movement is that of a kick-start for this impending and more concretely emerging renewal.

Horst Müller: Abstract from Das Konzept PRAXIS im 21. Jahrhundert, 2021.

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about the project

Author's studies started in 1968

This website started in 2001, but theoretical work intensified since the 80th, with previous studies in political economy, philosophy, social science, politics and also diverse political engagements in the background.  An new developmental stage is reached with the second edition 2021 of the publication 'Das Konzept PRAXIS im 21. Jahrhundert'.

Initiative and website since 2001

The initiative intends to elaborate an up-to-date political philosophy, which refers to the novum of Karl Marx ideas, unites the best items of the critical and utopian inspired theory and puts the traditional philosophy of practice into concrete terms. Therefore I call it a philosophy and science of social practice, or shortly a concrete philosophy of practice. This standpoint or paradigm claims to exceed both the so called critical theory and the mere traditional or dogmatic marxism.To make clear the difference to pragmatism too and assure the roots, I use the term practice in its original, utmost philosophical and scientific meaning as praxis.

With the IPkW-Website ist intended to construct an internet platform, which samples and presents theoretical resources, offers a forum for practice-centered works and interests and also chances to contact. In this way the rich inheritance of the European thinking line of a philosophy of practice can be vitalised and worked out as a modern paradigm of social sciences. The resource spectrum extends from Feuerbach, Hegel und Karl Marx over Antonio Gramsci, Herbert Marcuse up to Ernst Bloch, the Yugoslavian Praxis Group, the French philosopher Henri Lefebvre and reaches into current political philosophy, including not at least classical authors as G.H. Mead and modern thinkers as Pierre Bourdieu and Immanuel Wallerstein. Outgoing from this the concrete philosophy of practice tries to elaborate the epistemological and methodological basics for concrete analysis and research of social practice and may start projects on this.

The main point in present time is to take up again creative research on political economy, the unfinished project of Marx'capital theory, but now with primary interest about a positive concept of a new mode of reproduction and social association. In the quite new concept of a social economy formation as system alternative, so the actual hypothesis, can be found the real answer to capital economy and thus the response to the striking problems and the crises of capitalism in the time of neoliberal globalization.

The failure of the so called real-socialism experiments grounds substantially in the fact, that it reached neither theoretically nor practically a real new coast. On the other side, the modern social movements do not know a trustworthy alternative to the challenges and destruction forces of the dominating capitalistic formation and its globalization tendency. In this situation the concrete philosophy of practice ought to contribute for well grounded economic and social politics in the perspective of a social transformation, to support peoples struggle for a better life.

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Main publication

Das Konzept PRAXIS im 21. Jahrhundert. Karl Marx und die Praxisdenker, das Praxiskonzept in der Übergangsperiode und die latent existierende Systemalternative.  Print edition. BoD-Verlag Norderstedt,
April 2021, ISBN 978-3-7534-9705-1 (670 S./ 24,80 EUR). 

Das Konzept PRAXIS im 21. Jahrhundert. Available as OpenAccess Publikation via KOBRA
Kasseler OnlineBibliothek, Repository und Archiv, the document server of the university of Kassel.
Also OpenAccess as PDF via praxisphilosophie.de.

The Concept of Praxis. Special Print Content and Preface. As IPkW-Onlinetext.

The Concept of Praxis. Special Print Summary and Outlook.As IPkW-Onlinetext.  

Research interest

Theses on Wolfgang Streeck’s plea for the national state, a democratic-Keynesian social formation
 and multipolar world reordering.
Als IPkW-Onlinetext, February 2023

On the further development of Marxism as a political philosophy of practical and dialectical realism and humanism. Nürnberg, am 12. Mai 2022. As IPkW-Onlinetext.

Letters from the concept of praxis workshop

Müller, Horst: Marxism, Philosophy of Praxis and the Concept of Praxis.  Letters from the PRAXIS-workshop, Nr. 1-2020. Nuremberg, November 28, 2020. [ To achieve this a greater mental effort is needed. Considerable mental blocks have to be solved; especially the alternative economy as well as the human perspectives must be elaborated and have to be made much more recognizable!] As IPkW-Onlinetext.

Müller, Horst: The seven tails of the forced growth economy. Letters from the PRAXIS-workshop, Nr. 2-2021. Nuremberg, April 2021. The intrinsic economic calculus programmes the process of the capital economy for growth without end. The system no faults, it is the problem! As IPkW-Onlinetext.  

Horst Müller: The ambiguous social capitalism with double bottom and its explosive potential. Letters from the PRAXIS-workshop, Nr. 3-2021. Nuremberg, April 2021. [ This new-democratic, social state economic system alternative is pre-structured in the contradictory socio-economic formation and practice of social capitalism and can be released ]
As IPkW-Onlinetext.  

Horst Müller (2022): Privatisation and social austerity, or socialisation and emancipation of public services and infrastructures? Letters from the PRAXIS-Workshop, Nr. 5-2022. [ The privatization of the public sphere, i.e., the subjugation of welfare-state institutionalities, public infrastructures and social services to the form and financial power of the neo-liberally radicalized, globally wired exploitation or capital economy, is now damaging all social life ]
As IPkW-Onlinetext

Horst Müller (2022): The perspective of a social state economy in a multipolar world order. Letters form the PRAXIS-Worksh Nr. 6-2022. As IPkW-Onlinetext.

Horst Müller (2022): Imperialist Politics contra Security and Social Emancipation. Letters form the PRAXIS-Workshop Nr. 7-2022. As IPkW-Onlinetext.

Horst Müller (2022): Green Deal or Social Emancipation and Political-Economic System Transformation. Letters rm the PRAXIS-Workshop Nr. 8-2022. As IPkW-Onlinetext

Horst Müller (2023): Society, state and issues of democratic practice. Letters from the PRAXIS-Workshop Nr. 9-2023. As IPkW-Onlinetext.

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Some papers in English

Müller, Horst (2023): The core concept of the philosophy of praxis today. Review of: Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik, Solidarische Praxis in Allianz mit der Natur. Marx dialektische Praxisphilosophie für das 21. Jahrhundert, Westfälisches Dampfboot, Münster 2022. In: International Review of Social History, July 2023. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020859023000263

Müller, Horst (2023): The concept of a transformative social-state-economy. Summary Als IPkW-Onlinetext (3 S.)

Müller, Horst: Best of Karl Marx. Excerpts from the manuscripts Grundrisse der Kritik der politischen Ökonomie. Als IPkW-Onlinetext. [ Special selection from MEW 42. More than 100 citations, which concern the best and most far-reaching ideas of Karl Marx as an analyst and forward thinker of socio-historical transformation ]  

Müller, Horst: The Concept of Praxis and the situation of Marxism. Slide concerning the situation of political philosophy and research assignments. As IPkW-Onlinetext.

Müller, Horst: Arguments for an Utopistic Turn of Marxist Theory. Commentary to Sean Sayers: On Karl Marx's Two-hundredth Anniversary. Nürnberg, im März 2018. Bei academia.edu und als IPkW-Onlinetext

Müller, Horst: The fiscal hub to transform democratic capitalism. Proposal, Nürnberg 2016. Als IPkW-Onlinetext

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please contact

Author's address and wikipedia card

Dr. Horst Müller
Meuschelstr. 30
D - 90408 Nürnberg
Fon ++49 (0) 911 337781

Take a look at wikipdia (Ger.)

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selected papers

papers and media

Müller, Horst: Basic positions and research issues of a philosophy of practice

theoretical horizon
Müller, Horst: We have to cook a new soup. Interview with German social scientist Horst Müller
[ Translated from German into English and published on TLAXCALA am 9.12.2008 ]
Als IPkW-Onlinetext.

allemand avec traduction
Müller, Horst: Le Concept de Praxis Chez Karl Marx, Ernst Bloch et Pierre Bourdieu.
Symposium Philosophie - Ecologie - Praxis. Autour d'Arno Münster. En allemand, avec traduction simultanee in Amiens/Frankreich am 21. April 2010. Als IPkW-Onlinext avec Links a 4 Videos en YouTube.  

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